Photos: 5-16-2024: Sandhill Cranes

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May 16, 2024- These are the two juveniles that hatched this year. The one with lighter gray might be from Brutus and Harriot. The other one with more brown might be from the second couple that showed up.

Interestingly, I have not seen those parents lately. It has been a long time since I saw Brutus. June 20, 2024-

The Sandhill Crane mysteriously vanished overnight back in May. It was because of the hot weather. I wasn’t sure if they had left the area as part of migration or had just gone somewhere else because the water was drying up in the lake. I did see one fly over, so I knew that at least one was still around. This morning, I was eating my breakfast and up strolled these two vagabonds as if nothing happened. They are be the newly hatched ones I last saw in May.

June 29, 2024-

(Below) because of a many-month-long drought, the fuel source, fresh water molluscs, had gone away. The rains have returned allowing the molluscs to grow back. Today, I saw at least five different species of wading birds.

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