Letter: The Police memorial is still out of order and a disgrace

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Police Memorial no waterMay 7, 2015- Letter to the Editor by (name withheld)

Dear Battery Park TV:

The Police Memorial located at Liberty Street and South End Avenue in Battery Park City has become yet another symbol of governmental or institutional neglect. Described as “starting with a small fountain which supplies the waters which flow down a flume past a granite wall falling into a open pool”, it is now a dry waterless eyesore.

The problem arose after Hurricane Sandy in 2012, and since then, no water has flowed into this memorial. It is still a dry and sad sight to see.

Perhaps they can get the repairs done before the name of NYPD Officer Brian Moore is added to this memorial this Fall.

(Editor’s note: the police memorial is on BPCA property and maintained by the BPCA. The CEO of the BPCA is Dennis Mehiel. The President is Shari Hyman. Governor Cuomo controls the entire BPCA.)



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One Response to Letter: The Police memorial is still out of order and a disgrace

  1. LL says:

    Bravo! The condition of the memorial is disgraceful!

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