Category Archives: NYPD First Precinct

Democrat Marriage Fraud: The new modus operandi for laundering money

March 20, 2018- by Steven E. Greer, MD I am starting to realize something. The specific method of choice these days for corrupt Democrat politicians to (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | 2 Comments

Elon Musk could be correct about there being an impending attack greater than 9/11

March 8, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Life Lesson Essays, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

The Deep State is now staging large-scale unrest as a path to omnipotence

April 16, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Communism and Wokeism, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

The United States just entered into a second Civil War Update November 5, 2017- Outspoken conservative senator Rand Paul was attacked by his neighbor, (more…)

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The conspiracy-theory-nutjobs who think the 9/11 towers were the act of planned demolition explosives

September 11, 2023- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Life Lesson Essays, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 2 Comments

Rudy Giuliani interviews Steven E. Greer, MD on his podcast TV show: May 15, 2020

May 15, 2020 (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | 2 Comments

First look at the far-left extremist strategies for 2022

January 9, 2022- Making Twitter news is yet another obvious FBI false-flag hoax where dozens of poorly disguised FBI agents dressed as far-right domestic terrorists, ala the January 6th hoax. This type of “anti-domestic-terrorism” (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

The 2021 election was a referendum on communism

November 4, 2021- by Steven E. Greer The election this week in Virginia is getting most of the attention on the news despite the New Jersey (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

The final stage of the global totalitarian Great Reset has begun

December 3, 2021- by Steven E. Greer Because I spend many hours a week carefully organizing and curating the news, I can see patterns that other (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

How infectious and lethal is this Coronavirus COVID-19 compared to regular “flu”?

Update March 6, 2020- South Korea is the biggest country to have large-scale coronavirus testing (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, NYPD First Precinct, State Government, Tip of the Week, Wall Street | Leave a comment

Robert De Niro owes us an explanation about his ties to Harvey Weinstein

February 24, 2020- by Steven E. Greer Harvey Weinstein was convicted of rape and faces 25-years in the slammer. “But the verdict wasn’t a total victory for prosecutors. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 1 Comment

Radicals cannot be defeated if the war is not even recognized

June 20, 2020- by Steven E. Greer We are now almost into July. The violent looting and riots have been going on across the country for a month. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, Film Theater and TV, History Tidbits, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

Uh-oh. Tribeca grill implicated in being complicit with Harvey Weinstein abuse of women.

October 28, 2017- CNN reports that Tribeca Grill acted more like Scores, helping Mr. Weinstein get (more…)

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I was the first one to state 9-months ago that Governor Cuomo committed manslaughter

February 1, 2021- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in City government, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | 1 Comment

Why Nancy Pelosi is so frantically trying to oust Trump 12-days before he leaves office

January 8, 2021- by Steven E. Greer Recent press conferences by Nancy Pelosi have shown her even more nervous and jittery than normal. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 6 Comments

My letter to Rudy Giuliani about election fraud strategy

Dear Rudy Giuliani, Your team has (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays | 3 Comments

How the police can take back our cities from rogue Marxist mayors

October 18, 2020- by Steven E. Greer I have a big idea that I think will work. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | 2 Comments

The Kenosha, Wisconsin riot shootings slowed down

August 26, 2020- (more…)

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Exclusive: Jeff Galloway led away in handcuffs to prison

Update September 24, 2015- Jeff Galloway was released from prison on September 18th, apparently. (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, State Government | 2 Comments

Will the convictions of Manafort, Stone, and Flynn be overturned?

November 22, 2019- by Steven E. Greer The big news already coming from the DOJ IG report, that will be released on December 9th, (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, Law, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays | Leave a comment