Category Archives: History Tidbits

Time to Wake Up: We Are in A Post-Constitutional America

July 10, 2024- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | Leave a comment

Opinion: This was a Deep State assassination attempt on Trump

July 14, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | 6 Comments

Greer v. Amazon: Injunctive Relief Against Digital Book Burning

June 23, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Film Theater and TV, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays, TechLash Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 2 Comments

High schools need a class called “Atrocities of Communism”

April 27, 2022- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | 3 Comments

Elon Musk could be correct about there being an impending attack greater than 9/11

March 8, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Life Lesson Essays, NYPD First Precinct, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

This 1958 Speech Warning about a Slow Communist Takeover of the USA was 100% Accurate

June 11, 2024- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, Wall Street, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | 1 Comment

There Will Likely Be No Election in 2024

June 9, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

My Sobering July 4th Message

July 4, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | 1 Comment

WAR: The Fourth Reich’s plan to stoke Civil War II

January 2, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, History Tidbits, Political Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

Interview with Aaron Kheriaty, MD

June 13, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Crime, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, State Government, TechLash Essays, Wall Street | Leave a comment

May 30, 2024: A Day to Live in Infamy as President Trump is Convicted in a Communist Show Trial

May 30, 2024- (more…)

Posted in - Politics, City government, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, State Government | Leave a comment

The Declaration of Pandemics


Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Doctors, Dentists, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | Leave a comment

It has begun. The DOJ and DHS are now stalking conservatives.

May 23, 2022- by Steven E. Greer So far, today alone, two notable events have made the Twittersphere news. In Switzerland, mild-mannered reporter (more…)

Posted in - 1 The Good News and Greer Report, - Op-Ed, - Politics, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays | Leave a comment

Meatless diets are a bad idea

April 29, 2024- by Steven E. Greer, MD (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Cooking tips, Doctors, Dentists, Food Essays, Health and lifestyle, History Tidbits, Life Lesson Essays, Propaganda, Hollywood, and News Essays | Leave a comment

Amazing Similarities Between the First Civil War and Second One Going On Now

November 19, 2023- by Steven Greer (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Film Theater and TV, History Tidbits, Life Lesson Essays, Political Essays | Leave a comment

A Second Civil War now is inevitable

April 5, 2023- by Steven E. Greer, MD The Trump arraignment and indictment was all a big distraction orchestrated by the communists in charge of the White House. (more…)

Posted in - Op-Ed, - Politics, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays, State Government | 1 Comment

Maybe 9/11 was an Attack of the Blob after all

February 23, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays, Wall Street and Real Estate Essays | Leave a comment

American now has a modern-day Gestapo

March 28, 2024- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Communism and Wokeism, Crime, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | Leave a comment

President Grant v. President Trump

March 5, 2023- by Steven E. Greer (more…)

Posted in - History Essays, - Op-Ed, Federal government, History Tidbits, Law, Political Essays | Leave a comment

Did FDR and Stalin collude to hand over Eastern Europe to the USSR?

June 19, 2023- by Steven E. Greer I watched a few more minutes of this documentary about the 1945 Yalta Conference where the fate of the world after World War II was decided. It was The Big Three of Churchill, … Continue reading

Posted in - Op-Ed, Communism and Wokeism, Federal government, History Tidbits, Political Essays | Leave a comment