Jake Paul is a fake “influencer” created by Obama’s psy-op machine a decade ago

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November 16, 2024- by Steven Greer

I cannot recall ever spending money to watch a boxing match. I was intrigued by the Mike Tyson fight last night that I signed up for Netflix. I have boycotted Netflix for many years.

First, the entire TV broadcast paradigm for boxing has to change. The announcers are far worse than the bad football announcers. The early fights are boring. What they need to do is give long breaks during the main fight, like football halftime, and make the main event two-hours.

Tyson’s opponent was “social media influencer” Jake Paul who rose to fame more than 10-years ago during Obama’s second term. I ignored TikTok, Facebook, etc. and know nothing about this GenZ cultural fad.

For historical reasons, in order to understand my country and world, I looked into Paul. He is from Cleveland, which is interesting to me as an Ohioan. With J.D. Vance, Ohio is in the spotlight now. The state is having a revival like the late 1800’s.

I watched Paul’s earliest videos from around 2012 when Vine was a 6-second video platform on Twitter. I think Paul explains why we now see so many of punks on TikTok doing what they think are pranks, but are actually criminal acts. Jake Paul helped pioneer this genre of Punk-Ass-Bitch-Shock-Pranks. He seems to have been high on amphetamines as well. He now admits to having a drug problem. The tattoos all over his body are a sign.

Another infamous video of Paul’s was from his pre-steroid years when he lip-synced a Carly Rae Jepsen song in an extremely gay fashion. That explains a weird concept I first saw in July of 2021. I was living in the Biltmore Hotel in Coral Gables. I was in the hotel gym and a 20-something guy was filming himself in the mirror doing similar dances. It turns out he was the son of the owner of the hotel and a GenZ useless idiot. That was the TikTok trend of the time. Chinese communists control TikTok and have been strategically destroying Western culture by promoting this type of behavior. It led to the rainbow flag being displayed on government buildings a decade later as a surrogate for the Marxist-Fascist coup under the fake Obama admistration.

None of these content creators, or “influencers”, who make any significant money at all from YouTube, etc. are genuine grassroots people. They are all promoted by the vast propaganda machine of the government now exposed by the Twitter files and lawsuits, such as Missouri v. Biden. Jake Paul smartly saw (or the deep state created him) that he could make money by doing gay-looking videos. After that attention-getting scam, he then transitioned into the shock-prank genre, and that led to him doing boxing as an elaborate prank.

It all makes sense. Jake Paul rose to fame during the second term of Obama. By then, Obama’s (i.e., the puppet masters calling the shots) grand scheme to destroy Western Society by importing African and Middle Eastern Muslims into Europe, promoting transgender and gay culture, and doing it all by taking over social media, was in full effect. After Obama won re-election, they ramped up the efforts in 2012 (which is when the censorship against me increased).

Jake Paul is just a fake personality promoted by the military and spy industrial complex. He is not organically successful and popular. The unanimous opinion on X this morning is that the Tyson-Paul fight was a joke and everyone hates Paul.

But Jake Paul is not dumb. He knows that the world loves MAGA and Trump. So, he pivoted after the fight and praised MAGA culture.

In general, the genuine populist (i.e., MAGA) movement will be hijacked by the deep state like every other noble social movement has been, if we let it. We wary of these false prophets.

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