America Without a Leader: Time of Crisis

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July 22, 2024- by Steven Greer

On Thursday, July 18th, the White House claimed that Joe Biden contracted COVID again. The Biden account simply posted, “I’m sick.” This was after his latest series of dementia gaffes in interviews and during campaign appearances. President Trump suspected the mystery handlers controlling Joe Biden concocted a fake diagnosis as a pretext to hide him from view for a few days.

Then, on Sunday, the account for Biden posted that he would be quitting the campaign, but it did not explain why. Biden made no appearance for the announcement and has not been seen for four days. The senior cabinet officials were informed by the Chief of Staff rather than Biden himself.

Today, numerous members of Congress, President Trump, etc. are asking who is running the country. Is Joe Biden even alive?

I have unique insight into what is happening at the White House right now. They did this to my father. In 2022, the bad actors I am suing in Federal Court finally separated me, the power of attorney, from my father with dementia by hiding him behind the protected walls of a nursing home. They put him into a nursing home against his will. Then, they used “no trespass” to prevent me from seeing him. They even prevented other doctors from accessing him. When he developed a bedsore, they would not let the wound surgeons see him.

That was elder abuse. If you know how to work the system, you can take advantage of somebody with dementia.

With Biden, they created a reason to quarantine him with a fake diagnosis of COVID. That was just plausible enough to hide a POTUS away for several days over the weekend. They took advantage of that and announced to the world that he had dropped out of the race. I suspect that Biden was not the one making this decision or tweeting about it.

It is similar to what happened to me. If you have an old person with dementia, you can do whatever you want with them because they have no ability to fight back. It is like that adage of possession being 90% of the law.

President Trump tweeted a joke that he thought Joe Biden would come back into the race on Monday because he forgot that he dropped out. I think he might be correct. We may not have seen the last of this.

All of this has created a volatile condition for the United States. It is on par with the Cuban Missile crisis and then the aftermath of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963.

Bobby Kennedy, Jr. explained yesterday how similar it was to 1968. His father was going to win the nomination before he was killed. Then, in August, the crooked DNC appointed Hubert Humphrey. He failed miserably. Now, the DNC is scheming over who to plant as the nominee, subverting voters’ wishes.

The deep state has now attempted two coups against two different presidents within eight days. They tried to shoot Trump two Saturdays ago. Now, they have taken out Biden.

Today, congressional hearings will expose how it was an inside job to assassinate Trump. As the deep state becomes more desperate, they will do more outlandish things.

On Friday, they launched the largest cyber-attack ever with the CrowdStrike. People in Wall Street still cannot get into their computers. What’s next? The narrative they are building about Iran having nuclear weapons makes me nervous.

September 20, 2024-

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