The Florida Attorney General sues the Department of Homeland Security in a step to purge non-citizens from voter rolls

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October 17, 2024- by Steven Greer

The Florida AG just filed a federal lawsuit against the Department of Homeland Security seeking injunctive relief. The AG is demanding that DHS give them the data they need to purge non-citizens from the Florida voter rolls.

Here is the Complaint. Florida v. Dep’t Homeland Sec., N.D. Fla., No. 3:24-cv-00509

In the pro se case of Buoniorno v. Mayorkas 9:2024-cv-80920, The Secrtary of DHS, Alejandro Mayorkas, was the original lead defendant too. However, the DHS makes it nearly impossible to serve them. Also, government defendants have 60-days to reply, which was too long. So, the DHS was dropped.

With Florida now going after the DHS, this means a decision in the case will have nationwide ramifications in all 50 states. That was the goal in the Buoniorno case.

October 5, 2024- by Steven Greer

I have been helping a Palm Beach County candidate for Supervisor of Elections, Jeff Buongiorno, in his efforts to clear from Florida voter databases hundreds of thousands of fraudulent voters. Some do not exist. Some are illegal aliens.

He filed a federal complaint seeking injunctive relief Buoniorno v. Mayorkas 9:2024-cv-80920. Since the Florida Secretary of State and Attorney General are the highest officials to oversee elections, they were named as defendants.

After the case was filed, the SoS and AG made various efforts that pretended to the public they were also trying to purge fraudulent voters. However, it was all propaganda. Their real intentions are to keep the Florida elections rigged. Here is the proof.

The response was due in this Buongiorno case and the SoS and AG both fought to dismiss it. By doing so, they are defending the status quo of non-citizens being registered and electronic voting machines (i.e., VR Systems) being prone to “outages” every election, etc.

The reason there was no support for Trump after the 2020 elections were rigged, and then it was repeated in 2022, is because the Uniparty stays in power by rigging elections. How do you think “Republican” incumbents like Mitch McConnell stay in power?

Also, there is a motion for a restraining order to prevent the Palm Beach County defendants from flagrantly violating the First Amendment and kicking the public out of public canvassing board meetings. The SoS and AG filed a response in opposition to that too!

We live in a post-constitutional state. The people who are supposed to be defending the Constitution are actively fighting against it.

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