Demand for Hudson Eats is off the charts

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Hudson Eats looking southJune 1, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

The new Hudson Eats, the large dining section hidden inside construction of Brookfield Place, with no signage, and not even officially opened yet, is drawing large crowds. Most of the owners of the restaurants have been on site overseeing operations. Many of them have expressed the same thought, which is that they are shocked by the demand and traffic flow.

The big thought that struck me is how this large and open meeting space is the first ever community space for the 13,000 people of Battery Park City. I was looking around and spotted people I recognized. I thought to myself how I had never had such an experience before in BPC.

Dig Inn  wide with guyEd Hogan, the man who selected the restaurants, did a fine job. I cannot spot one of them yet that seems to be of low quality or redundant. As a matter of fact, many of the restaurants meet an unmet demand.

For examples, Skinny Pizza seems to be the first edible pizza in BPC. Tartinery has the first fresh juice bar, and Blue Bottle coffee: both items BPC lacked. Blue Ribbon Sushi will be the first sushi place of any quality. Olive’s has the first properly baked chocolate chip cookie. Chop’t is the first clean and healthy salad shop with a kitchen that is not scary.

Prior to Hudson Eats, the closest thing BPC had to a public court was the dog sewer called South End Avenue, or the crappy shops in front of Gateway.

Things are a-changin.

Umami Burger staffOlives owner wife Hudson EatsMighty Quinns owners Hudson EatsHudson Eats escalator 6-2-2014

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11 Responses to Demand for Hudson Eats is off the charts

  1. Karen says:

    Just walked through!! So excited. I am just hoping the restaurants are open late enough for post work dinner options. FOOD!!!

  2. N N says:

    Do BPC residents get some kind of discount at any of the new restaurants? An another note, while more food options is a very welcome addition I am a bit worried about the extra tourist traffic coming this way.

  3. Jo-Ann Hauptman says:

    I’m looking forward to Hudson Eats!

  4. Editor says:

    To N N

    You snark is actually not silly. You the taxpayer have funded for much of this Brookfield renovation. Demand more. Tell the BPCA your thoughts. (212) 417-2000

  5. Eric Bromberg- Blue Ribbon says:

    Very exciting. Thanks for the mention.

  6. kmhkmh says:

    The otherwise amazing experience was somewhat diminished by a huge number of families with screaming children running and riding scooters past our table, and even a woman who had her child standing on the table behind us.

    I certainly do not believe the establishments should exclude children, but if parents are unable to respect their fellow diners, perhaps there should be some guidelines posted (and enforced) explaining appropraite decorum… and maybe even a section set aside for families with rambunctious toddlers.

    I’m certain all of these glitches will be worked out in time, and Hudson Eats will thirve in a neighborhood long in need of its magic.

  7. chconkl says:

    I think it’s great. We had the brunt ends and fries from Mighty Quinn’s and the coconut shrimp salad from…Nom pam?

    Both were delicious and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

    It’s a great place for parents because it seems like a “safe” place for kids in that they have room to run around and there are fun meal choices.

  8. BPCResident says:

    Walked through today and was very impressed with the design and layout. Didn’t try any food yet, but looking forward to trying them all. The energy in the place was really positive, lots of smiles.

    Unlike others, I’m not bothered by kids running around. Having lived through 9/11 here in BPC, I remember very well the months and years that followed with little to no sounds of the laughter of “rambunctious” children. I welcome it all. It truly is all good.

    The opening of the WTC site last week to pedestrian traffic was a huge psychological landmark for longtime residents of BPC who lived through 9/11. This opening of a communal food court is another landmark.

    We’re finally back!

  9. Roman says:

    I was wondering when the Black Seed will start operating, should be the best choice for a bagel south of Canal Street, and hopefully it will drive out of business Pick a Bagel!

    Tried Olive’s, Might Quinn, and Digg Inn, all are really good.

    I can’t think of better choices of restaurants than the choices there, and the seats are actually very comfortable!

  10. Editor says:

    To BPCResident

    Well said

  11. chconkl says:

    kmhkmh–that sounds awful. The kids around us weren’t that bad at all, but I can see that it’s a potential problem for the non-families dining there.

    Everything is BPC is designed around families so I’m not sure what they can do to change this except have a “family” dining section.

    At least the presence of a lot of kids makes sense to me in this setting, unlike walking into Elvez or Blue Smoke and seeing them at the bar.

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