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November 22, 2019- by Steven E. Greer
The big news already coming from the DOJ IG report, that will be released on December 9th, is that an FBI attorney will be implicated for creating a fraudulent tampered document that was given to a FISA court judge. This FISA court granted warrants that were essential for the convictions of Paul Manafort, General Michael Flynn, and Roger Stone, inter alia.
I have already correctly predicted that Michael Flynn will never be properly sentenced because his plea was a sham. This new development will make it more likely that the lower district court judges tosses the entire case.
For the convicted Stone and Manafort, look for them to file appeals and win. The key “cops” on the case were corrupt.
Criminal conviction are easy to overturn in federal circuit courts. Dozens of hedge fund managers prevailed after Preet Bharara overreached on the insider trading charges against my old hedge fund, SAC. Sheldon Silver had his reversed twice, etc.
Update November 27, 2019- The Flynn sentencing hearing in December was delayed and the reason given was the pending DOJ report on FBI tampering with evidence. I told you so.