Another restaurant fights back against the city letter grade “extortion”

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RatingsMay 4, 2014- Famed chef David Keller recently made news for fighting back against city health department inspections that many have called nothing but added taxes. The inspectors make up arbitrary violations that have to be settled with fines in order to get the “A” in the window.

Now, Tribeca’s “Clementine” restaurant is fighting back too. The Post reports, ““B”-sieged Cafe Clementine in Tribeca is fighting back against the city Department of Health. Rather than hiding from a B grade, restaurant owner Barbara Stratton placed her inspection report prominently in the cafe window along with a sign, “How do you spell extortion??”. “We emphatically disagree with the NYCDOH [Department of Health] to put our ‘A rating’ on hold as they squeeze more money out of our business,” the sign reads.”



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