Both governors like the corrupt Port Authority just the way it is. Thank you very much.

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cropped-Christie-Silver-classics-text.jpgDecember 28, 2014- The Post reports, “The governors of New York and New Jersey jointly vetoed legislation Saturday aimed at overhauling the Port Authority and proposed instead a series of reforms they said would go further in bringing accountability to the agency. It had the unanimous support of the New York and New Jersey legislatures.

Supporters of the legislation, which would have required approval in both states to take effect, criticized the governors’ vetoes.

“It’s really just an awful thing for them to do. Neither of them can ever stand up and say they’re for effective reform,” said former New York Assemblyman Richard Brodsky, a Democrat, who had predicted the veto. “In a competition between effective reform and power, power won. Reform ends on Christmas, but scandals go on forever.”

New Jersey Sen. Loretta Weinberg said the decision was a “cop-out,” and Assemblyman John Wisniewski said he’s disappointed the bill didn’t become law.”

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