BPCA avoids hiring new head of parks conservancy

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BPCA McIntyre HuxleyAugust 18, 2015– By Steven E. Greer

BatteryPark.TV previously exclusively reported that Dennis Mehiel and his BPCA were in the process of downsizing the staff of the BPC parks Conservancy. They had transitioned many former parks employees who took care of the ballfields over to the BPCA. Then, they fired the long-time head, Tessa Huxley.

Today, the BPCA announced that it promoted from within, Bruno Pomponio, to become the new head of the parks conservancy rather than hire a new person to replace the headcount lost by firing Ms. Huxley. This fits in with the grand plan to eliminate the parks conservancy by attrition and firing, then to outsource the care of the parks to a construction company friendly with the governor.

BPCA serpico mehiel

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