Exclusive: BPCA, in panic mode, fires another employee after BP.TV reports on nepotism scandal

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October 5, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD

On September 25th, BatteryPark.TV exclusively reported how the BPCA allegedly violated anti-nepotism charges by hiring the wife of a parks employee. That same employee, Deshay Crabb, had filed a complaint alleging that former PPCA President Demetri Boutris used the “N-word” and other egregious activity. Then, in what could be perceived as a bribe to keep Mr. Crabb silent, the BPCA awarded him a salary raise and also hired his wife. The entire employment matter was “investigated” internally by the BPCA rather than refer it to an outside investigative body.

All of the above was reported to Governor Cuomo’s senior aids, Larry Schwartz and Alphonso David. The governor’s office has yet to properly investigate the matter, according to sources close to the matter. Alphonso David has also failed to return calls to BP.TV.

Now, BP.TV has exclusively learned that the BPCA has reversed course and has fired the wife of Mr. Crabbe, shortly after hiring her. The current president of the BPCA, Shari Hyman, has not replied to our questions.

This all comes just one week after the BPCA reversed course and fired another newly hired executive, lawyer Andrew Rafalaf. The BPCA also recently pushed out a young female employee, Elizabeth (Elsa) Papanicolaou who accused the BPCA of allowing sexual harassment to flourish.

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