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August 19, 2013- By Steven E. Greer
BatteryPark.TV has previously reported on the financial conflicts of interest created by the Broadsheet accepting tens of thousands of dollars from the Battery Park City Authority. In the wake of the surprise announcement that the President of the BPCA, Demetrios Boutris, resigned amidst scandal, the Broadsheet today decided to not cover that story, but rather print a puff piece justifying the overreaction of the parks in cutting down healthy trees along the esplanade.
The Broadsheet tree story goes to lengths to rationalize why the trees must be removed, citing “facts” that are not facts at all, such as “Mother Nature works in mysterious ways. Dozens of large trees facing the waterfront in Battery Park City were severely weakened by Sandy’s salt water and high winds, making them particularly vulnerable to the microburst that followed this spring.” In actuality, the trees standing are no weaker now than before Hurricane Sandy.
The BPCA’s “VP of Operations”, Anne Fenton, and Demitri Boutris, have no training whatsoever in “operations” or parks management.
The reason for the large tilting stumps still standing by Merchant’s River House was ignored by the Broadsheet story. BatteryPark.TV previously reported that the stumps were left as a PR stunt to justify the unnecessary tree destruction.
Thank you for “clearing” this up! And showing us how the news was tilted,