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Update September 25, 2013- CB3 longtime member McWater “resigned” from the board. (The power of video shining a light on sleazy NYC politics)
September 18, 2013- It seems that the CB1 is not the only community board with real estate professionals carrying water for clients. Watch CB3 member David McWater nearly assault a woman in the audience because she dared to accuse him of showing up late, just in time to support a real estate client of his as the client requested a liquor license. A group called the LES Dwellers opposed the application because they say the area has far too many bars. They won and the license was rejected by the board. (This story courtesy of the blog Ev Grieve)
This is not the first time Mr. McWater has been belligerent at meetings. After a very brief Google search, we found this story about his behavior back in 2011.
Which elected official appointed this clown with extreme conflicts of interest to serve on the board? It was Borough President Scott Stringer.
Post comments if you have more anecdotes to share.