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December 4, 2013- The Moreland Commission report released yesterday is the source of several stories of state crookery. In one story, arrested State Senator Smith, “Queens State Sen. Malcolm Smith has billed his campaign fund $100,632 for vehicle-related expenses since 2010. Smith was reimbursed for two leased cars, E-ZPass payments and even parking tickets, according to an analysis by the New York Public Interest Research Group. “While many politicians abuse their campaign accounts, Malcolm Smith seems to be a leader in this area,” said NYPIRG’s Bill Mahoney.”
In another story, “A top state Independence Party official who helped funnel $750,000 from Mayor Bloomberg to a consultant who swiped it also played middleman in a scheme to steer more than $350,000 toward attacks against Democratic candidates, a scathing new report claims. Thomas Connolly, vice chair of the Independence Party, approved of the “misuse” of campaign housekeeping funds to help Republicans go after Democratic state senatorial candidates Terry Gipson and Joseph Addabbo during the 2012 elections, according to a Moreland Commission panel.”
Community Centers are magnets for corruption
Plan to form “committee” deciding fate of Stuyvesant community center is likely illegal