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March 20, 2014- By Steven E. Greer
It’s happened again!
The NY Post is reporting that a 16-year-old young man, out of boredom, sneaked past sleeping security guards at One WTC (The Freedom Tower), and made it to the top spier. This is not the first time that the Port Authority police have allowed thrill-seekers to get to the top of what should be the most secure building in the city.
BatteryPark.TV previous exclusively reported that the parachute base jumpers that landed at Goldman Sachs on Vesey Street originated from the Freedom Tower. The one eye witness, the night manager at Pick-A-Bagel, was sitting outside when one of the parachutists landed in the Goldman alley, packed his chute, took off his black special forces suit, and scurried away to the north past Shake Shack.
All of this comes amidst reports that the Port Authority police are squabbling with the NYPD in a turf battle over the WTC site.
Though I may be forced out of my living space soon, I will continue to subscribe to your postings, wherever I end up.
I see that so little was covered by the parachutists in any other news source. These breaches so close to home are quite disturbing.
This part of town has a front row on that which can impact the world and your voice permits us to see things that might not be seen elsewhere.
I often repost what I read here to the internet, so that not only NY sees but so too the rest of the nation.
I was sitting in my car at the red light of Liberty and West on Saturday when I witnessed a food delivery guy on a bike pedal up west street, into the WTC site right past the NYPD outpost with two officers there talking to each other and not paying any attention to what was going on. I wish I had video of it, cuz both these officers would be out of a job right now. (This is AFTER all the media hoopla of the teenager, mind you). The ONLY reason, the delivery guy was stopped was the officer in the patrol car across the street facing north (basically had the same view i had ), was actually paying attention and squawked his squad car to alert the morons at the outpost that a security breach was in progress. Then, and only then, did the officers wake up to the fact that this guy passed right by them on his way into the most sensitive target in NYC. The NYPD officers on site are NOT doing there job at WTC.