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Update February 1, 2016- Now that the PEP have been fired, their old phone number answers to a voice message that states, “You have reached AlliedBarton security”. To reach a live AlliedBarton dispatcher, call (212) 945-7233.
December 28, 2015- If you want prompt action on a local crime matters, such as pot smokers in the parks or skateboarders, call the new Allied Barton private security team at
(212) 945-7233
Again, thanks, but why do I have to get this info from a local plastic surgeon???
Dennis M, who has a whole lavishly-paid-by-taxpayer staff, writes a propaganda piece on this subject and yet he leaves out this critical piece of info.
Thank you, but why on earth do I have to come to batteryPark.TV to learn this information???
Shouldn’t the BPCA be giving us this phone number?
After all, our tax dollars go to the BPCA, but BatteryPark.TV works for free.
Maybe we ought to pay our taxes to this web site instead.