How to handle harassing town car solicitations on Vesey Street

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February 10, 2012

By Steven Greer

On any given busy work day, anyone wearing business casual or a suit, trying to cross Vesey Street from the WFC to the Goldman Sachs alley, will be harassed by numerous town car drivers wanting your business. They are becoming more aggressive. Some drivers pull up and block the crosswalk by the traffic light.

All of those black town cars parked on the north and south side of Vesey are independent and not sanction by Goldman Sachs, American Express, Merrill Lynch, etc. The official Goldman Sachs town cars are on West Street side of their building. Goldman Sachs security actually tries to scare away the Vesey street cars using various tactics. American Express (AmEx) has no car line at all, and the portion of the street in front of their entrance is actually a bus stop. AmEx security told us that they greatly dislike these cars.

After BatteryPark.TV spoke with the security staff of Goldman, AmEx, and then the First Precinct, we believe that measures will be taken to reduce the town car harassment. Meanwhile, you can help by calling and reporting any egregious drivers to the TLC (718) 267-4555 (This number is more direct than 311). Also, you can call the First Precinct (212) 334-0640 and speak to Community Affairs. Leave a message if the line does not pick up.

You will make a difference. Goldman Sachs, Merrill, and AmEx have limited power to deal with this problem. It is really up to the police and TLC, and those agencies need to hear from you.

Town cars occupying the yellow taxi section of Vesey Street by Goldman Sachs


Gypsy cabs illegally soliciting fares in front of Goldman Sachs on Vesey Street

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