How Trump can pull off a miracle

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December 15, 2020- by Steven E. Greer

The Electoral College certified the votes from the states and Joe Biden is the president-elect according to tradition. But the only official date considered by most lawyers is January 6. That is when the full congress meets to ratify the votes.

At that point, Vice President Pence in the Senate could block the electoral votes if had some support from the House. According to reports, it only takes one member of the House and one from the Senate to object in writing. So far, Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama has pledged to be the House objector. Rand Paul of the Senate might carry that load. And, to no surprise, RINO Turtle Man Mitch McConnell is opposed to the idea.

Meanwhile, several cases are docketed before the Supreme Court and the court is not advancing them. This is after the justices proved their cowardice by backing away from the Texas case that was supported by 19-states.

So, the chances of Trump reversing the election fraud seems to be a long-shot. However, President Trump could shake up the entire status quo if he acted fast to do the following:

First, he needs to realize that he cannot do this alone. He must have the backing of the Department of Justice. He finally ousted the Cowardly Lion William Barr from the Attorney General post. Now, he should replace him with Rudy Giuliani and start making arrests.

If just a few low-level crooks in Georgia, such as the ones caught on video rigging the ballots, were arrested, it would trigger the corrupt Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger to change their tunes. It seems quite likely that they took bribes to install the Dominion voting machines. Kemp and Governors are arrested all the time and they know it. How many Illinois governors have gone to prison?

The shock waves would also influence RINO establishment GOP influence state legislators in Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Wisconsin to retract their certified votes. Trump is already tweeted, “Tremendous problems being found with voting machines. They are so far off it is ridiculous. Able to take a landslide victory and reduce it to a tight loss. This is not what the USA is all about. Law enforcement shielding machines. DO NOT TAMPER, a crime. Much more to come!” and others like it.

Crooked politicians have little fear now over upsetting voters. They know that gerrymandering and election fraud will allow them to be re-elected. Corrupt politicians only pay attention to threats of criminal prosecution.

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2 Responses to How Trump can pull off a miracle

  1. CN says:

    Excellent analysis which I pray will be heeded.

  2. LB says:

    Good one.

    People need to be COURAGEOUS if they want to save this country and not be the last generation of FREE men (and women) on earth.

    Reagan was courageous.

    Perhaps the last president with the balls to be so…

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