Inept PEP allow dogs to urinate on West Thames field killing grass

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DSC02761August 16, 2013- By Steven E. Greer

BatteryPark.TV has previously reported on the problem of the BPCA-paid PEP officers still refusing to patrol the West Thames park due to turf battles with the Hudson River Park Trust. In addition, the PEP inadequately patrol the entire Battery Park City region at night.

One consequence of this dereliction of duty is that the grass parks within BPC have dogs using them as sewers. This is most evident at the foot of the Rector Street bridge, where FiDi deadbeat dog owners walk their dogs over and allow them to head straight for the lawn to urinate, killing the grass.

The PEP have been informed, and the peak dog-walking time would be easy to patrol, yet the PEP refuse to detail these areas. The PEP are led by Captain Ed Falcon. The head of the city parks is Veronica White.

To report complaints, call 311. Also, if you snap a photo, please send them to us and we will make a Hall of Shame.


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