Letter: Why is there so much turnover in staff at Milford Management?

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Howard MilsteinFebruary 5, 2016- Letter from BPC resident:

I am a resident in one of the Milford-managed buildings and have noticed tremendous turnover in the management office. What is happening with management?

I noticed a couple of years ago that everyone started leaving. It’s very disorganized.


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2 Responses to Letter: Why is there so much turnover in staff at Milford Management?

  1. Editor says:

    Dear R

    If you search our site for “Rankin” and Milstein”, you will read about the whole legal saga. Milstein’s business partners won a court order to essentially evict him from 200, 380, and 370 Rector Place so they can sell the rental units as condos.

    Also, a couple of years ago, Milstein made his banking executive, Janet Martin, the new head of real estate. She came in and cleaned house.

  2. R says:

    That explains everything appreciate the information, will be interesting to see how this all plays out

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