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October 17, 2012
After BatteryPark.TV reported on the pending political rally, organized by Manhattan Youth and promoted by the Broadsheet, to oppose Asphalt Green, we have since learned that the location has now been moved to the sidewalk by Warren and West Street. BPCA spokesperson Matthew Monahan was receiving incoming calls complaining about the event, and inquiring whether the group had proper permits. Briefly, the new plan was then to move the venue to the terrace of Asphalt Green, but when that seemed to require a city permit, the safest location is now the sidewalk.
In addition to those series of events, an important leader of the Little League, Mark Costello, posted a letter to the editor of The Broadsheet complaining about the Matt Fenton story that portrayed some imaginary dispute between Little League and Asphalt Green. Mr. Costello wrote, “Sir…A recent story on “dueling” rallies in support of the long-stalled Battery Park Community Center Project may create, I fear, an inaccurate picture of rising sentiment on this important issues. I was especially surprised to see myself referred to as a participant at only one rally….In many years of advocating at, and by, Community Board One for an inclusive community center, I have never heard anyone disagree with these goals. The idea of dueling rallies, while catchy for a headline, is not in any way accurate…. Mark Costello“