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Update August 15, 2015- By Steven E. Greer, MD
I rode a bike around the BPC property twice tonight, at 12:30 AM, and did not see a single PEP patrolling: not one. All of their city cars were gone too, meaning they were off the property doing god knows what.
This is a city corruption matter and misappropriation of funds. We BPC’ers pay millions to the city to get at least 11 PEP to be on duty at all times in the summer. Instead, they are clearly being reassigned to other parks or not showing up at all.
I have also noticed that the PEP have several brand new electric automobiles. I saw two officers in two cars parked on Battery Place by the Jewish Museum on Friday night. They were both looking down at iPads or cells phones goofing off. PEP should be on their feet patrolling the parks, not in golf carts, and certainly not in autos on the street.
Update June 24, 2015- I walked from the West Thames PEP office to Pier-A and back three times this evening and did not see a single PEP on patrol. However, I saw two PEP loitering outside of the office not patrolling and two people inside doing nothing.
Later, I called and asked for the sergeant and got the same old reply, “He’s out in the field.”. An hour later, I called again, and reluctantly Sergeant Srisuro came to the phone. He claimed that, “I have officers on patrol right now.”, but refused to state how many, or why they were not seen anywhere south of West Thames.
The city parks department seems to be as poorly managed and corrupt as the city prison system. They are flagrantly not providing the number of PEP that your tax dollars pay for, and there seems to be no accountability.
June 22, 2015- By Steven E. Greer
At 7:50 PM tonight, I was walking south of Pier-A to The Battery when I spotted a man in the bushes urinating and then playing with himself. He was shirtless and wearing an arm sling. He came over to me trying to startle me, yelling gibberish. He seemed to be mentally ill.
I called the PEP office on West Thames and a woman answered. She did not know where Pier-A or The Battery were located. I asked for her supervisor, and all she did was ask for my name.
Knowing from the past that there were likely no PEP patrolling the park, despite the fact that your tax dollars pay to have 11 on duty during the summer, I filmed my walk from Pier-A to the park office on West Thames. Of course, there was not a PEP in sight.
When I went inside the PEP office, a Mr. Ramos, whom I have had many phone interactions with over the years, was working, as was the lady who answered the phone. Mr. Ramos refused to give me the name of his sergeant on duty, claiming he was “out in the field”.
More alarming, Mr. Ramos, once again, collected my cell phone number from their caller ID and then called my phone. He does this often, breaking the law, in some lame attempt to taunt me.
Despite the departure of Captain Falcon, the new Captain of the PEP, Paige Lener, does not seem to have the ability to change things much. The New York City Council has given the green light for the parks department to steal from the rich and give to the poor by redistributing our PEP to other parks, we believe.
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