New York Times covers our story on kayak activists

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July 24, 2013- By Steven E. Greer, MD

Yesterday, we mentioned that the New Yorker Magazine had a feature column based on our exclusive reporting on kayak activists who forced the Coast Guard into requiring all ferry boat landing to honk their horns four times upon docking. Today, the NY Times is covering the same story. We have worked with the reporter before on ferry boat issues, such as the disappearing Goldman Sachs boats.

The Times wrote, “Early this month, Mr. Gabler wrote an open letter to his neighbors about the honking on a Web site devoted to happenings in Lower Manhattan. The Web site’s editor, Steven Greer, reported that the instigator of the cacophony was Nancy Brous, a Manhattan resident who heads the New York City Water Trail Association. He even posted a picture of Ms. Brous paddling a kayak.”

NYT kayak print version scanned

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6 Responses to New York Times covers our story on kayak activists

  1. Beth says:

    This story reads as though the only disturbance we experience is being forced awake at 6 a.m. when the real issue is 16 hours a day of loud horn blast (900+ daily). How amazing the huge difference in perspective when all of the facts are left out. It’s clear that our quality of life and how this constant loud noise can negatively impact our health are not even being considered.


  2. Mike says:

    I agree that they did not cover the full issue. If a city bus was outside a residential building and blew it’s horn 900 times a day, something would happen really fast.

    Keep after this. You and Steve have done a great job in getting this issue out there.

    Someone should approach the Captain of the Port with the bus analogy. Someone should also approach our City Council Member.

    – Michael Fortenbaugh

  3. Mary says:

    I am really enjoying this story!


  4. Inwood says:

    It’s interesting that noise concerns in Battery Park City draw attention and action when uptown we are left high and dry with raucous noise from illegal nightclubs and insane partygoer behavior all through the summer nights. Wish we were getting the coverage you were — instead all anyone talks about is Jay-Z showing up and all quality of life concerns are whitewashed away…

  5. Wolfgang says:

    We started a petition to stop this noise pollution:

    Would be great to have your support!

  6. BPBlues says:

    This is so annoying for the whole neighborhood and visitors. The peace and tranquility that was so unique and noted about the design of BPC is gone. It is not just about the rich residents. Anybody visiting the park and esplanade is no doubt annoyed. We all hate horns and yes we put up with them but this is constant and out of control and harassment to anybody trying to enjoy the park and esplanade. The commuters are annoyed as well. Hotel guests. Students. Seniors. Police. Nobody likes horns.

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