Other BPCA handouts to outside entities

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MoneyApril 5, 2013 By Steven E. Greer

We previously reported that the Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) was giving $500,000 in free money to the Bob Townley Manhattan Youth community center that is not affiliated with Battery Park City. The information was not made public and was obtained through a Freedom of Information request. There other interesting handouts found in the 2012 and 2013 BPCA budget.

The nearby Battery Conservancy (not to be confused with the BPCA’s Battery Park Conservancy) is an outside agency unrelated to the BPCA. For unknown reasons, the conservancy, run by controversial Wary Price, has been receiving $40,000 per year in grants. It is unclear how long this has been going on.

The New York Hospital, located across town and not related to Battery Park City whatsoever, received a $2,000 grant. Why?

There were approximately 60 other small “grants” or gifts awarded to a whole slew of politically correct special interests, such as New Yorkers for Parks- $2,000, Poet’s House-$7,500, National Hispanic Business Group- $5,000, Competitive Edge Conference- $20,000.

How these grants are assessed and awarded is unknown. It seems to be an opaque, non-transparent. black box process for dolling put political favors. Grants page of 2012 budget

Grants page of 2012 budget

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2 Responses to Other BPCA handouts to outside entities

  1. amy greenberg says:

    Shocking. This is crazy. Why would we give so much to all of these organizations that have nothing to do with BPC? Are we just a big pot of money for everyone to sponge off? Is there absolutely no accountability? Who authorized all of these grants and how can BPCA be held accountable?

  2. Amy says:

    This is appalling, but sadly not unexpected. This was a big topic of discussion among parents during the free play on the BPC fields Friday afternoon.

    With the BPC giving over 500K, to Manhattan Youth why are the after-school programs at 89 and 276 so poorly run and third rate?

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