BatteryPark.TV gets results: PEPs address several problems

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March 25, 2012

In collaboration with BatteryPark.TV, the park ranger PEPs have been effectively dealing with several problems plaguing the area. PEP Captain Falcon wrote:

Dear Sir,

We thank you for your email regarding noise/dog barking. We expect you may have seen our immediate response as of late. We have made contact with the owners of the Bloodhound you described and they have been cooperative. They assure us they will be mindful of their neighbors and will work with their dog. They even mentioned that they are contemplating professional training.

In reference to your additional concern regarding Livery cabs illegally parked. We have addressed this issue as they occur and will continue to address this in our jurisdiction adjacent to parks as it occurs. We have also referred your concern to our Liaison at NYPD Street Traffic Enforcement Unit in which we have seen their immediate response as well.

We are pleased to serve and assist in all community concerns.

All the best,

Captain Ed Falcon

The dog nuisance to which Captain Falcon refers is a large bloodhound owned by residents in the Financial District who bring their pet to the West Thames dog run every night in the evening and allow it to bark uncontrollably for 30-minutes.

Jeff Galloway, founder of the Battery Park City Dog Association and member of the Community Board, was alerted of these problems and refused to act. He replied, “The BPC dog runs have always been open 24 hours. I believe “ssshh” signs are posted telling people to be respectful of neighbors during late hours. Although there has been an occasional incident over the years, by and large there have been hardly any complaints from neighbors. My apartment overlooks the Kowsky Plaza Sirius Dog Run and it’s extremely rare that there is noise in the late night. The (policy of having no closing times on the dog parks) was set during the public comment process when each of the dog runs were being planned. Much of the other park area in BPC is also open 24 hours.”

The town car, or Livery cab, problem refers to our previous reporting seen here. State Assembly Speaker Silver is also assisting us.


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One Response to BatteryPark.TV gets results: PEPs address several problems

  1. Steve M. says:

    The Captain of BPC Parks is a true THUG and criminal.

    Take a look at MYDAILYCOMPLAINT youtube channel (almost 500k) views with the parks officers abuse and Capt Falcon leading the charge.

    Councilman Peter Valone was very mad at Parks brass about the staffing in parks. Queens has about 4+million acres and under 10 officers. Bronx and Brooklyn are the same (4+ million acres and less than 10 PEP officers.
    BPC has over 40 officers, numerous SRGT, and a CAPTAIN for 90+ acres. YOU HAVE THE NYPD all over bpc…thats the resource that is already supported thru your taxes. Why pay extra for abuse?
    I smell FRAUD…..oh wait…..the inspector general also discovered the FRAUD Nov 2010 and said its SCATHING AB– — USE…….enjoy the political beatings and abuse …..SO SORRY.

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