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Update December 18, 2012
At the last BPCA update on Pier A, the construction was supposed to be completed by the end of the year, then turned over to the Poulakakos family for the construction of the restaurant. That timeline will be missed, and Pier A is behind schedule once again. Hurricane Sandy flooding is a legitimate reason for those delays.
June 5, 2012 By Steven Greer
The BPCA gave the CB1 an update on the over budget, behind schedule, restoration and conversion of Pier A into a restaurant and public meeting space. Much to the surprise and concern of the CB1 members and residents in attendance, the Poulakakos family developers plan to allow docking and departures of New York Harbor boat tours. In addition, the open public space seems to be far less than many had expected. BPCA was asked by the CB1 to go back to the drawing board and make Pier A “more of an extension of Battery Park City than and extension of the touristy Battery Park (to the South)”, said Anthony Notaro.
Recall, the Poulakakos family currently owns and manages many of the pubs on Stone Street which generate a raucous crowd. The concern of BPC residents is that that scene will be imported to quieter child-friendly Wagner Park.
Regarding the status of the construction, a BPCA spokesperson estimated that the shell construction will be completed by the end of 2012, then turned over to the Poulakakos family and their partner the Dermot Company, to complete the restaurant and space. The estimate date for Pier A to be ready for the public is now mid-2013.
No mention of the budget and costs for Pier A was made in the presentation until BatteryPark.TV inquired. The BPCA spokesperson estimated that $19 Million had been spent so far, and the total budget was now up to $36.5 Million. An audit of the ongoing construction by the BPCA (i.e. mainly Asphalt Green and Pier A) is planned.
A former BPCA employee who was running the construction efforts at Pier A told BatteryPark.TV that the budget overruns are being lowballed. The “$36.5 Million” is not accounting for the plaza landscaping and redesign work.
Gayle Horwitz, CEO of the BPCA, was not present for the CB1 meeting. Governor Cuomo’s nominee for the new Chairman of the BPCA is rumored to be announced any day.
Can’t help but state the obvious: just as most apartment residents would not want flashing lights outside their apartments, most diners would find the stench of diesel and noise from tour boats, and the huge crowds from tour groups, a nuisance. Why is common sense not common? Thank you, CB1 for sending the Pier A plan back to the drawing board.
This is one of the biggest scandals in this state. The State is spending $36 million for a privately owned restaurant while at the same time cutting jobs for workers and dollars formuch needed programs. I feel it is time that the Attorney General look into this million dollar give away.
This space should have been used for a public amenity and should have never been awarded to a wealthy restaurant owner with big political connections. Move over Tammany hall the BPCA is now running things.