Results: LeFrak power washes dog urine stench from sidewalk

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August 8, 2012 By Steven Greer, MD

Despite a Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) town hall meeting in May whereby residents voiced numerous gripes with the LeFrak corporation, very little has been accomplished with Gateway Plaza. One problem that impacts all of Battery Park City is the filthy sidewalk in front of the ice cream shop on South End Avenue. Particularly in the summer months, the stench of dog urine is unhealthy and unbearable because LeFrak does not power wash the sidewalk as they should.

On August 8th, BatteryPark.TV was walking by the ice cream shop and decided to do something about the problem. Within an hour of speaking with the Gateway Plaza management office, a cleaning crew arrived to power wash the street. The man in charge explained that he had been injured and was unable to wash the sidewalk for more than four months.

Residents should feel free to contact BP.TV if this power washing is not performed several times a week. They can also contact the BPCA at

(212) 417-2000

Please forward this story to your neighbors.

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2 Responses to Results: LeFrak power washes dog urine stench from sidewalk

  1. amanda says:


  2. fran says:

    i can take the clothes pin off my nose now….also the other end on albany is the most disgusting sidewalk around….all the town cars are there and dropping things and making a mess …not to mention the fruit stand with the plastic on the umbrelllas. i feel gateway could clean that up in a minute…..wishful thinking….fran

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