The BPC truck stop

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April 9, 2014- A resident of North BPC made a funny comment, calling the situation on North End Avenue so bad, that it is a truck stop. He sent this photo. The driver was sleeping. Then, across the street, the Conrad Hotel continues to thumb their nose at the law by allowing large buses to park.

Truck on North End


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2 Responses to The BPC truck stop

  1. Resident Gateway says:

    Won’t be long now. Truck stop Porto-johns, showers and truck stop whores…and a Starbucks

  2. SirPoochala says:

    It is much worse on South End Avenue by the bus stop on the east side of the street. The space is for M9 bus breaks and as a result the M9 buses block the bus stop so we have to get on the other buses in the middle of the street. It is really bad here with tour buses and this has gone on for years. The traffic cops see this and don’t even bother ticketing.

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