The Netflix Late Reviewer: True Detective

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Netflix TV screen feetJuly 26, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

When HBO’s series “True Detective” first aired this year in January, I watched the first two episodes, then cancelled my HBO. I could not tolerate the incessant close-up images of Matthew McConaughey chain smoking. It literally made me sick.

I repurchased HBO for Game of Thrones, and when that season ended, I decided to Netflix True Detective and give it another try. I am glad I did.

True Detective has some of the best writing and acting that I have ever seen in movies or TV. I won’t even try to summarize the plot. Just watch it for yourself.

I now see why people binge view TV series. I use the DVD method (for the higher quality image), so I can only watch 3 episodes at a time. However, if I had online Netflix, I would have watched them all in one sitting. (I still think it is best to spread out a series over a span of weeks).

By the way, the smoking by McConaughey’s character stops after Episode 2.

I was never a huge fan of McConaughey, but after watching his Oscar-winning performance in Dallas Buyer’s Club, and now True Detective, that dude can act.

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