Your money: BPCA spends $600,000 on geothermal well experiment, elevators, but still fails to fund traffic lights

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BPCPC garageUpdate May 18, 2015- The BPCA has issued an RFP to shut down these money pit geothermal wells.

November 19, 2013- By Steven E. Greer

The Battery Park City Authority (BPCA) board met today and approved new expenditures. $323,000 was authorized to go to D’Onofrio Contractors to help build a geothermal well to power the Parks Conservancy offices. Past attempts to make such a system failed when the water of the well was too salty, according to Gwen Dawson, (VP of Asset Management).

Chairman/CEO Dennis Mehiel seemed perplexed, having built a geothermal system for his own home. He explained that the system should be closed-lopped and not use well water. Nevertheless, the money was authorized.

Other large spending projects authorized went to Elite Construction of NY LLC, for the amount of $294,000, to repair the never-working elevators of the Tribeca Bridge on Chambers Street. Ms. Dawson explained that Elite meets the standards to qualify as a minority-run contractor.

The BPCA has the money and ability to fund for the installment of much needed traffic lights in South BPC, to improve safety by the pre-K schools and PS 276, yet they refuse to do so. Meanwhile, the BPCA is spending lavishly on external contractors.

In 2012, the BPCA generated a $150 Million budget surplus which went to the city. Last month, the BPCA raised more than $800 Million in revenue from new bonds.

Both D’Onofrio and Elite have been active campaign donators to various New York State elected officials.

Report on the geothermal wells


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