The ducklings of BPC 2012

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Update August 17, 2012

The two new ducklings from this season with the mother, by John Brindisi

Update August 11, 2012

Update: August 1, 2012

Updated July 14, 2012

Update July 8, 2012

Update June 28, 2012

Click images for full screen


Update June 20, 2012

(The two ducklings that survived to date

Update: May 11, 2012

In full screen 1080i HD

May 10, 2012

In a surprise to those who follow the wildlife in BPC, the ducklings have returned this year, six of them. There was no indication of nesting to most of the PEP and park staff interviewed.

The next six weeks will be crucial for their survival. Last year, Tess Huxley of the Parks Conservancy raised the water of the pond, drowning one batch of ducklings. Then, a second nest was introduced and the ducklings slowly disappeared as a predatory bird ate them.

The pond is not a self contained ecosystem large enough to support the ducklings. The birds require food and care in order to survive until they can start flying (read more here). If you see any signs of sabotage or tampering with the ducklings, please email us immediately.

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2 Responses to The ducklings of BPC 2012

  1. Suzanne Temple says:

    Thanks again for the view of the ducks, koi and ducklings. A larger camera shot to show where this pond is located would be nice since we are not familiar enough with the park at this point in time. Go DUCKS!!! Live long and Prosper!!!

  2. fran says:

    hi yesterday was a big day to check out the ducklings….the park was packed and everyone had such a good time…but i only saw four of them…..fran

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