Crooked politicians not off the hook. DOJ still pursuing.

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CuomoApril 11. 2014- Any New York State politicians who were doing a victory lap when Governor Cuomo shut down his own anti-corruption panel, to get a budget passed, will be sweating like a whore in church today. The DOJ’s Preet Bharara is still pursing the crooked pols.

The NYT reports, “An unusually public confrontation between two of the state’s most powerful officials escalated on Thursday. Preet Bharara, the United States attorney for the Southern District of New York, not known for engaging in on-air rebukes of elected officeholders, took aim at Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo over his decision to dissolve an anticorruption panel.”

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One Response to Crooked politicians not off the hook. DOJ still pursuing.

  1. jfc says:

    Shel Silver needs to be led out in handcuffs.

    (Not the views of BatteryPark.TV)

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