Peppy le PEP

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July 29, 2011

A new homeless couple decided to visit Rector Park today and set up camp, literally. They used sheets hanging from tree branches to set up a real cabana.

The PEP office was called, and in stark contrast to the last experience, a courteous PEP officer responded and a PEP Captain promptly arrived at the scene to evict the campers. The officer was none other than Captain Falcon.

(Click images to expand)




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One Response to Peppy le PEP

  1. Steven says:

    Capt Falcone should of been terminated or transferred from this unit.
    THe best is sitting at the pool across from their office and observing them (PEP) all smoke and litter into the street. Directly in front of their office. I read that “zero tollerance” for smoking? But the new park signs in BPC are non-existant? THank god I live uptown.

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