The Netflix Late Reviewer: Room

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Netflix TV screen feetApril 18, 2016- by Steven E. Greer

Lead actress Brie Larson won the Best Actress Academy Award this year for her roll in “Room”. The film was also nominated for Best Picture.

Based on a novel by Emma Donoghue, she adapted this to the screen for “Room”. It is about a teenager captured by a sexual predator and held captive in his backyard tool shed for 7 years, much like real-life Elizabeth Smart or Natascha Kampusch. She gives birth to a son who is five years old in the movie.

The film focuses on the boy who has never seen the outdoors, and how he transforms when he is let out.

This film is too realistic, so I suppose Brie Larson deserved the Academy Award. I had to fast forward through it.

As someone who has seen horrific things in surgery, etc. I try to protect my soul by not watching gratuitous violence. I have never watched the videos of ISIS beheading, for example. I don’t need to watch “Room” to understand the concept. Some things do not need to be seen.

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