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October 31, 2012 5:25 PM By Steven E Greer
The worst of Hurricane Sandy might be yet to hit us. As major blocks of Manhattan continue to be without electricity, Internet, or cell phone, the electric refugees are flocking by the hundreds to Battery Park City public spaces with power, such as the Winter Garden and the Conrad Hotel. Restaurants are also filling up with people seeking electric outlets. If the power remains off for another day, we might see thousands of refugees. If it remains off for 48 more hours, we could see tens of thousands.
Within BPC, the 400-address of Gateway Plaza is still without power, but has cold running water and gas. Neighbors with power are assisting with pot luck dinners. Management has opened up two apartments for bathing purposes. The power outage in Gateway is due to a blown electrical circuit in the basement.
is there power in the rest of Gateway Plaza (besides Bldg 400)? Does that mean all the elevators, etc. work?
Reply to N: We believe all elevators work
Power never went out in the 200 bldg. there are people using our lobby to charge their phones.
Does anyone know if the power has been turned on at 375 South End Ave?
Reply to Chuck: Yes it is on, Editor
We’ve been told that signs being posted in 375 South End Av state that it will be 3-5 days before power comes back. Is that not true?
Reply by Editor: Only 400 building is down. Who knows for how long.