A hurricane did not hit Manhattan

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November 10, 2011

By Steven Greer, MD

Numerous politicians have been saying recently that a hurricane hit Manhattan. The problem with those comments is that “Hurricane Irene” had fizzled out and was downgraded to a tropical storm by the time it hit Manhattan. In fact, we barely received any rain (in contrast to western New York and New England).

Why are politicians revising history? Mayor Bloomberg needs to justify his overreaction. Others, seeking disaster relief funds, also benefit if they can claim that their regions were damaged by “The hurricane”.

Recently, the BPCA, at their September board meeting, cited the exemplary performance of the PEPs during the “hurricane response” as a justification for renewing the contract with the city and a $1.5 Million raise. In fact, their was nothing for the PEP to really during the storm. this is what the scene really looked like.

The BPCA has also embarked on repair project to the wood boardwalk along the South Cove. Jeff Hayduk, construction manager for Cashin Associates who is contracted by the BPCA for maintenance of the area, explained to BatteryPark.TV that this large-scale project is part of routine maintenance and comes out of the normal BPCA budget. It is not being funded by FEMA or hurricane relief monies. A local paper had reported today, “Recently, a tidal swell hit the planks so hard that a piece of debris cracked one of the horizontal planks.”

(Click image to enlarge)

Repairs underway to South Cove board walk



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One Response to A hurricane did not hit Manhattan

  1. Steven says:

    It was a TROPICAL STORM on record. Also, the PEP’s were out of control that day. We have video at mydailycomplaint.com that showed that the PEP dept after threats to residents and threats of ARREST , they bailed by 5pm and didnt come back to almost 3pm the following day. We have the VIDEOS and all the PEP cars disappeared as well. PEPS BAILED !!Another fake ass comment by HORWITZ. Mydailycomplaint sent a COMPLAINT of followup to the inspector general thru online portal.

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