All leaders of CB1 to be re-elected unopposed

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CB1 meeting 1-28-2014May 5, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

As a great example of the need for term limits within the Community Board system, the executive committee elections will be coming up soon in June. BatteryPark.TV has learned that all of the current leaders will be re-elected, unopposed.

Catherine McVay Hughes will continue to be the “Chair”.

Anthony Notaro seems to have earned a title promotion for capitulating, allowing the Pier-A nightclub to proceed, and is now the “Co-Chair. Of note, Mr. Notaro beat Paul Hovitz by only one vote in 2012, and is not well supported even by the CB1 members. Recall, he ran for Chair and got only one vote, which was his.

For unknown reasons, John Fratta, an opponent of Pier A, is the only one to lose his job. He is stepping down and allowing a former three-term Treasurer, Joel Koppel, to reclaim the throne. By taking time off, Koppel seems to have found a loophole that allows him to regain his old job.

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