All local electeds now send letter to BPCA supporting the cancellation of marina RFP

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HeaderDecember 29, 2014

Chair Dennis Mehiel

Battery Park City Authority

200 Liberty St New York, NY 10281

Dear Chair Mehiel,

We write regarding the recent resolution of Manhattan Community Board #1 (CB1) regarding the Battery Park City Authority’s (BPCA) Request for Proposals (RFP) at the North Cove Marina site.

At its December 18th meeting CB1 voted 36 – 0 in favor of the attached resolution. The resolution, reads in part:

CB1 urges the BPCA to exercise its right (per the RFP) to withdraw the current North Cove Marina Operator RFP so that it can be reviewed with more community input and transparency to ensure that the selection of any operator will support the public good, be stewards of our parklands and generate a reasonable revenue stream. Until such time as a new RFP is released and the final selection is made, CB1 asks that the contract with the current operator be extended.”

We appreciate that the BPCA has made an effort to include “community-based programming” in the RFP’s evaluation criteria. However, as you know, we support a significant role for community boards in general and the Battery Park City community in the governance of BPCA in particular. When a board speaks with a unanimous voice, we believe that its position must be given serious consideration.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.



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3 Responses to All local electeds now send letter to BPCA supporting the cancellation of marina RFP

  1. Benjamin Carr says:

    I would prefer a new marina operator

    the marina was much nicer before 9/11 when new owner took over

  2. JJ says:

    Incredible ! ! !

  3. JC says:

    Benjamin Carr is misinformed. After 9/11 the previous operator abandoned the marina and later declared bankruptcy. The Marina then limped along under internal BPCA management until 2005 when the current operator was awarded an RFP and revived it. In addition the pre- 9/11 operator did not operate a sailing school or youth sailing program. Those were introduced by the current operator who formerly rented space there.

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