Bloom flowers wastes massive amount of electricity

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July 12, 2012 By Steven Greer

Since opening, Bloom Flowers in the Goldman Sachs alley has had few customers physically inside the shop. BatteryPark.TV walks the alley daily and has made note of the patterns. To spur more walk-ins, the owner, Kimberly Perrone, has decided to leave the front door wide open and allow massive amounts of air-conditioned air from the Conrad Hotel escape into the Goldman Alley. When one walks by, they feel the strong current of the denser cold air flowing out.

Residents of Battery Park City take great pride in the fact that some of the most sophisticated “green” apartments in the world are in the area. Indeed, Leonardo DiCaprio moved to BPC for that very reason, as one example.

Spotting this environmentally unfriendly offense to our community, BatteryPark.TV confronted Ms. Perrone in her store. First, she explained that she also contributes to the air conditioning being wasted and that it was not all from the open large hallway to the Conrad Hotel. How this makes the situation less egregious, and what was her logic, is unclear. Ms. Perrone then explained that she finds by leaving the door open it attracts more customers. After only one minute of speaking with her, Ms. Perrone became obstinate, crossed her arms, and looked up and said “What business is this of yours?”

We proceeded upstairs to the Conrad Hotel’s lobby to ask for GM Robert Rechtermann, but he was “unavailable”. He did not return our calls.


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3 Responses to Bloom flowers wastes massive amount of electricity

  1. Rosalie says:

    Once again you are so on spot!
    I simply do not understand the personnel and the lack of citizenship
    at most of the shops except Shake Shack and the Battery Deli.

    On a very hot weekend 102 degrees I asked to borrow a chair from
    Harry’s so I could sit with my family – I am 69 years old the host
    said NO. I would have give him gratuity for the loan.

    Are we the only people who recognize what is happening.

    Maybe Emily Post should pay a visit.

  2. admin says:

    The seating in Goldman Alley (a term I coined first) is not owned by the restaurants. It is all common seating.

  3. Sparky says:

    I was excited when I saw a proper flower shop would be in our neighborhood. But where are the flowers? I am sure there would be more business at Bloom if they had wonderful flower arrangements and less pillows and vases. Maybe the next flower shop will be the Real Flower shop we are looking for.

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