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September 27, 2010
The #1 film at the box office this weekend was “Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps”, the sequel to the Academy Award winning film of 1987, Wall Street. Most of the film was shot in Downtown Manhattan, and much of that was in Battery Park City. Due to the new Goldman Sachs headquarters being in BPC now, Director Oliver Stone chose to show numerous aerial panorama views of BPC from Goldman HQ all the way south to the park. Your apartment building is almost certainly in view.
We give the film an enthusiastic “thumbs up”. The casting, acting, screenplay, and directing were all excellent. Shia LeBeouf’s portrayal of a prop trader was spot on accurate, and Charlie Sheen’s cameo with Michael Douglas was truly nostalgic. Given Michael Douglas’ real life struggle with stage 4 throat cancer, the scene transcended the film.
The film also does a good job of explaining the complicated financial instruments that led to the crash of 2008 and the global depression that ensued. Schools will show this to students for educational purposes. Sadly, the clear message about the corruption of global finance is truthful, which may be too depressing for some viewer’s tastes.