BPCA promises action on unsafe street crossing at PS 276

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Kids cross in fearFebruary 4, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

At the CB1 meeting tonight, at the end of the meeting as “new business”, the topic of the recent accidents in front of PS 276 on Battery Place were discussed. In the audience were representatives of the BPCA and State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver’s office. Both offices promised new action to resolve this death crossing.

Robin Forst of the BPCA announced that a new DOT “warrant study” was initiated and the results will be known soon. Speaker Silver’s staffer also mentioned the their office was reaching out to the DOT.

However, the mitigating solutions being discussed were simply stop-gap measures, such as speed bumps. BatteryPark.TV spoke, and reminded the audience that traffic lights outside the library where the CB1 was meeting were funded by the BPCA, and that PS 276 deserved a real traffic light.

Interrupting in reply, CB1 member, and parent or PS 276 students, Tammy Meltzer stated, “I prefer just a stop sign”. BP.TV replied, “You have no training in (street design and safety). Thank you.”.

BP.TV called Ms. Meltzer after the meeting for a clarification. She had no comment.

Ms. Meltzer has also vocally opposed concrete medias to be placed on South End Avenue in front of the Gateway Plaza. Although they would prevent unsafe taxi U-turns, she is concerned that the taxis would congest the entrance to her Gateway Plaza.

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