BPCA board member Martha Gallo opposes shutting down the BPCA

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November 3, 2015- by Steven E. Greer

At the November 2nd CB1 meeting, State Senator Dan Squadron discussed his recent essay about dismantling the BPCA and replacing it with a city-run agency similar to how Governors Island is overseen. After that, BPCA board member Martha Gallo gave her views opposing the shuttering of the BPCA.

She said, “It’s a silly conversation”, to consider dismantling the BPCA, despite the fact that the BPCA was created to serve a specific function, which was to oversee the construction of BPC, and that the construction phase is now completed.

Martha Gallo was Global Head of Compliance at JPMorgan when that bank perpetrated the six largest financial crimes in history, including manipulation of LIBOR and the London Whale trading losses. After mysteriously leaving that job, she now works for the scandal-plagued AIG.

Martha Gallo was appointed, not elected, to the BPCA board.

BPC residents are taxed to the hilt and yet have un-elected people making decisions on how that money is used.  It is classic taxation without representation.

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