BPCA questions whether to pay for Irish Memorial upkeep

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November 2, 2013- By Steven E. Greer

After years of neglect, failing to even repair a gaping hole in the Irish Memorial wall caused by a car accident, the BPCA board finally budgeted into the F2014 plans repairs to the Irish Memorial. However, during the October 22nd meeting, the BPCA indicated that it might no longer fund for the upkeep of the memorial.

Board member Martha Gallo interrupted Gen Dawson and said, “This (memorial) was controversial when it was constructed. There were design problems….how much will this continue to cost us?”. Then, Chairman/CEO Dennis Mehiel called for a study to evaluate the future costs required by the memorial. No one on the board spoke up in support for the memorial.

The Irish Hunger memorial was built in 2002 by then BPCA Chairman James Gill, a man of Irish descent. There is a non-profit organization that is supposed to have the best interest of the memorial in mind, but very few events take place annually. The entire location seems to have been forgotten with the departure of Mr. Gill. Making matters worse, the key caretaker of the memorial resigned in disgust over the resistance he was receiving from the current BPCA administration.

If you are interested in starting a sort of “Friends of the Irish Memorial”, contact BatteryPark.TV.

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One Response to BPCA questions whether to pay for Irish Memorial upkeep

  1. Dean says:

    The Irish Hunger Memorial gains many new friends daily with throngs of visitors and 4-star website reviews calling the spot a welcome break from city madness. There will surely be controversy over talk to destroy the popular and important memorial. It took more than 40 years to recently fill in BPC – it’s irresponsible to contemplate plans of deconstruction. There is currently no shortage of BPCA matters angering residents. Friends of Ireland and responsible urban planning and governance will unite.

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