Broadsheet refuses to report on pending 4:00 AM liquor license at Pier A

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Pier A plaza 3-11-2014March 18, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

Viewers have reported to BP.TV that they sent letters to the editor of the Broadsheet (BS), and also requested the BS to alert the community, about the pending 4:00 AM liquor license for Pier A. Their communications were ignored by the normally responsive BS.

Recall, Pier A is the southern BPC project that will be the largest restaurant in all of New York, and also have loud party boats dock alongside. In a recent CB1 meeting, the feckless board rubberstamped approval for a rare 4:00 AM liquor license. The CB1 “resolution” is nonbinding, and the State Liquor Authority will make the official decision, at some point in the near future.

All of the local papers and advertising fliers had staff present for the meeting. Robert Simko, the publisher of the BS, had his son attend the meeting as a reporter.

BP.TV asked Robert Simko, the publisher of the BS, for a reply. He declined to comment. 

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