Brookfield construction kills prized trees

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Dead tree by marinaAugust 12, 2014- By Steven E. Greer

The botched Brookfield Place construction that has caused the community to walk long circuitous detour routes, and be forced to view ugly scaffolding, is having its toll on the trees. The strip of pruned sycamore trees by the marina have been either killed or shocked by the scaffolding that was over them, depriving them of water. Other trees under scaffolding on Vesey Street are also dying, and Brookfield has installed water bags.

The beautiful trees by the marina have special value for anyone in the community who lived through September 11th, 2001. This damage is outrageous, and the BPCA or governor needs to step in and make sure that Brookfield completes the work in a timely manner.

Healthy trees by marinaDead tree on VeseyWaterbag for Vesey tree

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3 Responses to Brookfield construction kills prized trees

  1. Janet says:

    I was appalled to see those beautiful Sycamore trees all but completely dead at the beer garden. For what? I walk my grandchildren in a stroller often and have to plan on an extra 10/15 minutes to take the long detour and avoid steps and I see no work going on! It’s been way too long and destructive!!

  2. Linda says:

    Just plain sad. Brookfield obviously doesn’t care about this community.

  3. Marya says:

    I’m so sick of Brookfield. Having to detour around that dying beast to get anywhere is beyond annoying.

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