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Category Archives: Doctors, Dentists
Ezekiel Emanuel pens essay urging Americans to skip the annual physical exam with their doctor
Update January 12, 2015- CBS conducted a a roundtable discussion about this topic. Dr. Narula came down on the side of Dr. Emanuel, using the same misguided interpretation of meta-analysis statistics. (more…)
Posted in - Op-Ed, Doctors, Dentists, Federal government
Angelina Jolie has chicken pox
By the Way, there is a vaccine now against chicken pox. All kids should receive it. It can leave bad scars (as I can attest to). (more…)
Posted in Doctors, Dentists
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Quarantining Ebola caregivers arriving from Africa is the right thing to do Update November 6, 2014- Despite more than 80% of responders in various polls feeling that the Obama administration’s handling of Ebola was wrong, (more…)
Harvard professors feel the impact in their pocketbooks of the ACA law that they helped pass
November 8, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD Probably no other university in the country was more influential (more…)
Legend on Set: Episode 2
Surgical masks do work to prevent the spread of flu
October 1, 2009- By Steven E. Greer, MD Are billions of people around the globe foolish for wearing facemasks (more…)
Smart choices
October 13, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD Since I boycott Gristedes now, I have been going (more…)
Posted in Cooking tips, Doctors, Dentists, Tip of the Week
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Has the ACA law begun to reduce the uninsured, and at what cost?
July 27, 2014- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Ben Sommers, MD PhD, from the Harvard School of Public Health (more…)
Despite multiple malpractice payouts, doctors often keep practicing
Doctor who runs 200 Chambers Urgent Care being investigated by NY Health Department (more…)
Preventing HIV infection
August 5, 2014- Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD Rajesh Tim Gandhi, MD of the Massachusetts General Hospital discusses the NEJM review paper he co-wrote with his sister, Monica Gandhi, MD, discussing the current state of therapy for HIV-infected patients. … Continue reading
100 HIV researchers killed as Russian missile takes down jetliner MH17
July 19, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD I emailed earlier today a leading HIV (more…)
A modern medical wonder finishes second in the U.S. Open golf tournament
June 15, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD 34-year-old Erik Compton finished tied for second in the United States Open golf tournament. That was a good accomplishment by any standard, but it was also a genuine feat of modern medicine … Continue reading
Man dies of sudden cardiac arrest while jogging on the esplanade
May 12, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD This evening, Jon Grobler, a 40-year-old local resident, was jogging on the esplanade north of the marina when he lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and began seizing. Witnesses said he “turned … Continue reading
Posted in Doctors, Dentists, NYPD First Precinct
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Book review: “ADHD Does Not Exist” By Richard Saul, MD
March 20, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD Richard Saul, MD strived to be provocative with his new book ADHD Does Not Exist. He not only succeeded, but also backed up his bold assertion with ample sound logic and supporting data. … Continue reading
Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Reviews, Schools
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Tip of the Week: Try the Warby Parker bricks and mortar store
April 5, 2014- By Steven E. Greer, MD I previously extolled the virtues of online optical stores that have broken the mold of the old eyeglass cartel, and sell high quality prescription glasses for as little as $35. I explained … Continue reading
Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Reviews, Tip of the Week
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The 23andMe home genetic test kit controversy
Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD In Part 1 of our interview with Robert Klitzman, MD, ethics professor at Columbia University, we discuss the 23andMe genetic test kit company and why the FDA made them stop marketing the tests. (more…)
Biggest Medicare crook is South Florida eye doctor, and friend of NJ Senator Mendez
April 9, 2014- The release of data by Medicare that shows what individual doctors earned from Medicare is making all sorts of news. One of the biggest over-billing crooks is a Miami eye doctor who is no stranger to investigations. … Continue reading
Young women choosing double mastectomy for early stage breast cancer
Interviewed by Steven E. Greer, MD David P. Winchester MD, Medical Director of Cancer Programs for the American College of Surgeons, discusses recent data showing a more than a 100% increase in the rate that young women with early stage … Continue reading
Posted in Doctors, Dentists, Health and lifestyle, Videos
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A new medical device to make blood thinners unnecessary
Thromboembolic stroke caused by atrial fibrillation is the primary reason patients are placed on anticoagulation. However, those blood thinners also carry significant bleeding risks. As a result, various mechanical surgical approaches have been tried to prevent stroke, and obviate the … Continue reading