CB1 agenda for tonight

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Notaro 1-6-2015January 5, 2016- The feckless CB1 will pass a toothless resolution tonight asking the governor to appoint board members who actually live in Battery Park. Of course, Anthony Notaro is probably hoping he will be selected.

Also, watch Notaro continue his theft of our ideas with yet again listing off “accomplishments” of the CB1. That all started immediately after BatteryPark.TV made a list of accomplishments a few years ago. He usually gives up and never reads them off, because they are too lame. Stay tuned.

1/5 Battery Park City Committee – 6:00 PM
Location: Community Board 1 – Conference Room, 1 Centre Street, Room 2202A-North
1) Asphalt Green – Update by Bryan Beary, Director
2) BPCA permit requests:
• MS Society/NYC LeadDog Marketing Group, Inc. Sunday, April 17, 2016
• LeadDog Marketing Group, Inc. Sunday, April 24, 2016
3) Battery Park City Authority Board composition – Discussion and resolution
4) Battery Park City Affordable Housing Information – Resolution
5) Committee Accomplishments for 2015 for CB 1 annual report

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