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April 27, 2016- We recently reported how the New York Democratic machine rigged the New York primary election to favor Hillary Clinton by suppressing tens of thousands of pro-Bernie Sanders voters in Brooklyn. The Post reports, “The head of the city’s Board of Elections issued an apology Tuesday for the mysterious purge of 126,000 voters from the rolls that wreaked havoc on last week’s presidential primaries….There were 121,056 affidavit tallies citywide, 37,214 of which were in Brooklyn.
Board commissioners later ratified Ryan’s recent suspension without pay of Republican Diane Haslett-Rudiano as chief clerk of the Brooklyn office. When asked why the Brooklyn office’s deputy clerk, Democrat Betty Ann Canizio-Aqil, wasn’t disciplined, considering most of the purged voters were Democrats, Ryan said, “Perhaps when more information becomes available to the commissioners, they’ll take appropriate action.””